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1. Задание
1.1. Рассчитать и построить цикл паросиловой установки (цикл Ренкина (рис. 1). Цикл включает в себя адиабатный процесс 1-2 расширения перегретого пара в турбине, изобарно -изотермический процесс 2-2′ отвода теплоты в конденсаторе, изохорный процесс 2′-3 повышения давления воды питательным насосом, изобарный процесс 3-4 подогрева воды в подогревателе воды до температуры кипения в котле, изобарно-изотермический процесс 4-5 подвода теплоты и парообразования в котле, изобарный процесс 5-1 получения перегретого ненасыщенного пара в пароперегревателе.
1.2. Исследовать влияние параметров пара на характеристики цикла
Построить графики зависимостей , , , в зависимости от , , и сделать выводы о способах улучшения характеристик цикла.
1.3. Исходные данные
Исходные данные – начальное давление , давление конца расширения (давление конденсации) , температуру перегретого пара выбрать из табл. 3 приложения в соответствии с порядковым номером в групповом журнале. Выбранные исходные данные записать в табл. 1.
Таблица 1 – Исходные данные для расчета цикла ПСУ
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Учебная работа № 186591. Контрольная Техническая термодинамика и тепломассообмен, контрольная № 2
Выдержка из похожей работы
Термодинамика и термохимия
…..electrical energy,
chemical energy, etc. Chemical and physical processes are almost invariably
accompanied by energy changes, and results of considerable importance have been
obtained studying the laws underlying these changes. It is this study of energy
transformation which constitutes the subject matter of thermodynamics. Although
thermodynamics may appear to be somewhat theoretical in nature, the two laws
have led to results of fundamental importance to chemistry, as well as to
of Energy: The First Law of Thermodynamics.
Many attempts
have been made from time to time to realize «perpetual motion», that
is, the continuous production of mechanical work without supplying an
equivalent amount of energy from another source. The failure of all such
efforts has led to the universal acceptance of the principle of conservation of
energy. This principle has been stated in many forms, but essentially they
amount to the fact that although energy can be converted from one form to
another, it cannot be created or destroyed or, alternatively, whenever a
quantity of one kind of energy is produced, an exactly equivalent amount of
other kinds must disappear. It is evident that perpetual motion, in the
generally accepted sense of the term, would be contrary to this principle, for
it would involve the creation of energy. Further, the exact equivalence of
mechanical or electrical work and heat, as found by Joule and others, is a
necessary consequence of the same principle.
The law of
conservation of energy is purely the result of experience, no exception to it
having as yet been found. The assumption that it is of universal applicability
is the basis of the first law of thermodynamics. This law can be stated in any
of the ways given above for the principle of the conservation of energy, or
else it may be put in the following form. The total energy of a system and its
surroundings must remain constant, although it may be changed from one form, to
Changes in Chemical Reactions.
The subject of
thermochemistry deals with the heat changes accompanying chemical reactions. As
will be seen shortly the laws of thermochemistry are based-largely on the
principle of the conservation of energy or the first law of thermodynamics.
Different substances have different amounts of internal (chemical) energy, and
so the total energy of the products of a reaction is generally different from
that of the reactants; hence, the chemical change will be accompanied by the
liberation or absorption of energy, which may appear in the form of heat. If
heat is liberated in the reaction the process is said to be exothermic, but if
heat is absorbed it is described as endothermic. The majority of, although not
all, chemical reactions which go to virtual completion at ordinary temperatures
are exothermic in character, since they are accompanied by an evolution of
heat. If a chemical reaction is associated with a volume change, as is
particularly the case for many processes involving the combination of gases,
the magnitude of the heat change will depend on whether the reaction is carried
out at constant pressure or at constant volume. Since many reactions normally
occur at constant (atmospheric) pressure it is the usual practice to record